Cyber Range and Training Facilitation workshop
1st July, 2022
Author CyberKit4SME
EC funded project CyberKit4SME goes on with great commitment, #Sogei took part last week, together with the University of Southampton IT Innovation and the University of Southampton Cyber, in the “Cyber Range and Training Facilitation” workshop at the University headquarters in #Southampton.
Sogei’s team participated in the meeting aiming at testing the materials developed by the project consortium to create cyber ranges and exercises. A true cyber range was emulated by involving external participants as focus group.
Thanks to this crucial workshop, developed contents will be used to enrich the curriculum of the Cyber Security Academy of the University of Southampton … but not only, other partners of the project consortium will use them to create events and initiatives delivering cyber ranges to attract and involve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises (ME) in the dissemination activities to spread tools developed in the project.
#NoidiSogei we are really proud to be able to support such an important international project on cybersecurity and with partners of high academic and institutional prestige. 🇪🇺