Information Sharing: public-private

21st July, 2022

Author CyberKit4SME

CERT Sogei, involved in our project, was present today at the webinar on “Public-Private Information Sharing” organized by the CYBER 4.0 – Cybersecurity Competence Center Competence Center, in collaboration with the Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale.

It was a very stimulating moment of confrontation in which we participated with the intervention of Sogei’s Project Manager for CyberKit4SME project, Andrea Pugini who told how the CERT Sogei implements the #InformationSharing with institutions and organizations, also describing the flow of cyber threat management with CSIRT Italia and ACN.
An intervention that told the role and activities of Sogei in the European project CyberKit4SME, funded under the #Horizon2020 program. In this project Sogei have conceived and experimented with a form of information sharing different from institutional and consolidated methods. An experiment aimed at providing data and information for the benefit of the #cybersecurity of SMEs.
The event, moderated by Matteo Lucchetti was attended by: Leonardo Querzoni, President of Cyber 4.0, Luca Massarelli Advisor ACN, Romano Stasi, Chief Operating Officer CERTFin – CERT Finanziario Italiano, Nicola Sotira Head of CERT Poste Italiane and Riccardo Croce, Director of the National Cybercrime Center for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures (#CNAIPIC). CyberKit4SME