Democratizing a Cyber Security Toolkit for SMEs & MEs

Helping SMEs and MEs analyse, forecast and manage cyber security and data protection risks.

Project Introduction

This video introduces our project.

Making SMEs & MEs more cyber-resilient

The project will use its tools and cyber range demos to train SMEs/MEs to identify their top threats and recognize and address them with greater confidence. Results will be validated by SME/ME in four critical sectors.

Latest News

Really understanding technology adopters’ cybersecurity needs

With the CyberKit4SME project coming to an end, there are a whole number of things that we need to consider. As we’ve improved and integrated different technologies, working with our end-user partners to validate each step of the way, another picture has started to emerge. We’ve been reporting our findings as we’ve gone along in […]


Check out this insightful video from our amazing partner VISUAPPS GmbH. ! Really resonates with our current project goals. In this video, VISUAPPS is showcasing the impressive work on the project and how it’s been tackling various cybersecurity scenarios in the healthcare sector.

CyberKit4SME representation at the Security Cloud Week organized by @Microsoft

Excited to represent @Inetum at #SecurityCloudWeek organized by @Microsoft! Grateful for the opportunity to showcase our commitment to cybersecurity through the #CyberKit4SME project. Together, we’re building a safer digital future! #TechCollaboration #CyberSecurity

Latest Publications

Protecting Sensitive Tabular Data in Hybrid Clouds

Abstract: Regulated industries, such as Healthcare and Finance, are starting to move parts of their data and workloads to the public cloud. However, they are still reluctant to trust the public cloud with their most sensitive records, and hence leave them in their premises, leveraging the hybrid cloud architecture. We address the security and performance challenges of big data analytics using a hybrid cloud in a real-life use case from a hospital. In this use case, the hospital collects sensitive patient data and wants to run analytics on it in order to lower antibiotics resistance, a significant challenge in healthcare. We show that it is possible to run large-scale analytics on data that is securely stored in the public cloud encrypted using Apache Parquet Modular Encryption (PME), without significant performance losses even if the secret encryption keys are stored on-premises. PME is a standard mechanism for data encryption and key management, not specific to any public cloud, and therefore helps prevent vendor lock-in. It also provides privacy and integrity guarantees, and enables granular access control to the data. We also present an innovation in PME for lowering the performance hit incurred by calls to the Key Management Service. Our solution therefore enables protecting large amounts of sensitive data in hybrid clouds and still allows to efficiently gain valuable insights from it.

A Hybrid Threat Model for Smart Systems

Abstract: Cyber-physical systems and their smart components have a pervasive presence in all our daily activities. Unfortunately, identifying the potential threats and issues in these systems and selecting enough protection is challenging given that such environments combine human, physical and cyber aspects to the system design and implementation. Current threat models and analysis do not take into consideration all three aspects of the analyzed system, how they can introduce new vulnerabilities or protection measures to each other. In this work, we introduce a novel threat model for cyber-physical systems that combines the cyber, physical, and human aspects. Our model represents the system's components relations and security properties by taking into consideration these three aspects. Together with the threat model we also propose a threat analysis method that allows understanding the security state of the system's components. The threat model and the threat analysis have been implemented into an automatic tool, called TAMELESS, that automatically analyzes threats to the system, verifies its security properties, and generates a graphical representation, useful for security architects to identify the proper prevention/mitigation solutions. We show and prove the use of our threat model and analysis with three cases studies from different sectors.

Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges

Abstract: The consumer IoT is now prevalent and creates an enormous amount of fine-grained, detailed information about consumers’ everyday actions, personalities, and preferences. Such detailed information brings new and unique privacy challenges. The consumers are not aware of devices that surround them. There is a lack of transparency and absence of support for consumers to control the collection and processing of their personal and sensitive data. This paper reports on a review of state-of-the-art on privacy protection in IoT, with respect to privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) and GDPR-specific privacy principles. Drawing on a thorough analysis of 36 full papers, we identify key privacy challenges in IoT that need to be addressed to provide consumers with transparency and control over their personal data. The privacy challenges we have identified are (1) the lack of technical expertise in privacy notice comprehension, (2) the lack of transparency and control of personal data, and (3) the lack of personalized privacy recommendations.